it is a know fact, not an error :-)

Basically, verveinej has to maintain several models of the project in memory to be able to do its job if the project is too big, this might end up exploding the memory and giving unexpected results

That's why we implemented the incremental parsing option

Now, what you are reporting looks like a bug, but because of the conditions, I am not sure it is really one, especially if it works fine when you split the project in 2

You also have the option of twicking the calling script to increase java memory In the past, (sun) java used to require contiguous memory (just like pharo) but jikes removed this constraint I believe the new oracle java removed the constraint also, so you might be able to go pretty high in memory on a java execution ...

Let us know if it works


PS: This seems like a Moose-dev question rather than a pharo-dev one

On 21/04/2015 10:21, Fabrizio Perin wrote:
I was trying to create an MSE file with VerveinJ and I got an incomplete MSE at the following error on the console:

/Exception while Visiting famix repository entities. For example, this might happen when an entity inside the repository has a property refering to an entity outside the repository/ / Entity ID: 69580 (a FAMIX.AnnotationInstanceAttribute), property: parentAnnotationInstance/ /Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: fr/inria/verveine/core/gen/famix/NamedEntity/ / at ch.akuhn.fame.internal.RepositoryVisitor.acceptElement( / at ch.akuhn.fame.internal.RepositoryVisitor.acceptVisitor( / at
/        at ch.akuhn.fame.Repository.accept(
/        at ch.akuhn.fame.Repository.exportMSE(
/ at eu.synectique.verveine.core.VerveineParser.emitMSE(Unknown Source)/ / at eu.synectique.verveine.core.VerveineParser.emitMSE(Unknown Source)/ / at eu.synectique.verveine.core.VerveineParser.emitMSE(Unknown Source)/ / at Source)/ /Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: fr.inria.verveine.core.gen.famix.NamedEntity/
/        at$
/        at$
/        at Method)/
/        at
/        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
/        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
/        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
/        ... 9 more /
I'm using windows, not sure how to get the version of verveinJ. The same does not happen if I split the project in two parts and I parse them separately.

Is it known error or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance,

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