On Fri, May 1, 2015 at 4:31 AM, Clément Bera <bera.clem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You cannot easily redefine these selectors:
> #(#caseOf: #to:do: #ifNotNil: #ifNil:ifNotNil: #whileTrue:
> #ifNotNil:ifNil: #ifFalse: #timesRepeat: #whileTrue #caseOf:otherwise:
> #whileFalse: #ifNil: #to:by:do: #ifTrue: #ifFalse:ifTrue: #or: #whileFalse
> #ifTrue:ifFalse: #and:)
> You can redefine those selectors but depending on the send site, the
> redefined method is used or not.
> One trick is to have the send site in a method / class with compilation
> options disabling the inlining of the selectors you want.
> Another trick is to use a pattern different slightly that the optimized
> pattern, for example, I believe that Marcus changed #and: so:
> a and: [ b ] -> and: is optimized at compile time, send site won't use
> overridden method.
> a and: [ :x | b ] -> and: is not optimized at compile time, send site will
> use overridden method.
> Maybe it works with #or: too.

That seems a bit exotic and complicate ongoing maintenance. I hope its use
is heavily commented.  But a naive question, why not something intention
revealing like  #myAnd:  or  #unoptimisedAnd:  or  #slowAnd:

cheers -ben

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