
well the ConfigurationOfFuel in Pharo 3 does not know Fuel 1.9.4

and in Pharo 4 there is no ConfigurationOfFuel
neither in the image (ConfigBrowser)
nor on

what's up? do I oversee somthing relevant ?


Am 30.04.15 um 15:04 schrieb Max Leske:
>> On 30 Apr 2015, at 14:40, Mariano Martinez Peck <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Johannes, 
>> The simples approach is that you materialize your object in 3.0, then
>> load the same version as fuel from pharo 4.0 and then serialize again
>> in 3.0. 
> That should work without problems now. Just be aware that some things
> have changed dramatically (e.g. MethodContext no longer exists, instead
> there is now Context). For most of the objects however, migration should
> work fine when you use the Pharo 4 version (1.9.4) in Pharo 3.
>> After that, you can materialize in 4.0.
>> The other alternative is that in 4.0 you load older version of Fuel
>> (the one in 3.0), then import, the expert, then load new fuel again. 
>> I have been doing this since Pharo 1.4 until 4.0 since my client's app
>> also uses Fuel. And the process was always quite simple and only once
>> per release.
>> Migration is something we miss in Fuel..and even if we have promised
>> to keep format unchanged, sometimes the evolution of Pharo itself (not
>> the internal Fuel format representation) makes the format to be broken
>> from one version to the other. So until we have a better automagic
>> migration tool, the above trick should work. 
>> Also...see this
>> link: 
>> is the scrip I used to migrate from 1.8 to 1.9... this is
>> just an EXAMPLE of how you can do it..but do not copy it becuase it
>> uses old version of the code repositories, etc...
>> | oldVersion newVersion fileNames objectsByFileName materializerClass |
>> oldVersion := '1.8'.
>>  newVersion := '1.9'.
>>  fileNames := #(
>> '/Users/mariano/XXX/aaaaDB.fdb'
>> '/Users/mariano/XXX/bbbbDB.fdb'
>> '/Users/mariano/XXX/ccccDB.fdb'
>> '/Users/mariano/XXX/ddddDB.fdb'
>> '/Users/mariano/XXX/eeeeDB.fdb'
>> '/Users/mariano/XXX/ffffDB.fdb'
>> ).
>>  objectsByFileName := Dictionary new.
>>  materializerClass := Smalltalk at: #FLMaterializer.
>>  fileNames do: [ :fileName | 
>>  objectsByFileName 
>>  at: fileName 
>>  put: (materializerClass materializeFromFileNamed: fileName).
>> FileDirectory default copyFileNamed: fileName toFileNamed: fileName,
>> '-', oldVersion asString ].
>> Gofer it 
>> squeaksource3: 'Fuel';
>> package: 'ConfigurationOfFuel';
>> load. 
> This is the old repository. You should use 
> Gofer it
>     url: '';
>     package: 'ConfigurationOfFuel';
>     load.
> ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfFuel) project version: ‘1.9.4') 
>     load.
> (See
>>  (ConfigurationOfFuel project version: newVersion) load.
>>  objectsByFileName keysAndValuesDo: [ :fileName :objects |
>> FLSerializer 
>>  serialize: objects  
>>  toFileNamed: fileName.
>> FileDirectory default copyFileNamed: fileName toFileNamed: fileName,
>> '-', newVersion asString
>>   ].
>> On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 9:19 AM, Norbert Hartl <
>> <>> wrote:
>>>     Am 30.04.2015 um 14:08 schrieb Johannes Rasche Kreuzberg
>>>     < <>>:
>>>     Hi folks,
>>>     I'm just migrating to Pharo 4.0
>>>     On materialization of objects serialized under Pharo 3
>>>     an error was raised: different versions numbers ( 194 required ).
>>>     Where does version 194 come from ?
>>>     Monticello from Pharo 3 offers 193
>>>     Johannes
>>     You need to add the repository of Fuel, load the ConfigurationOf
>>     from there and you can upgrade to 1.9.4
>>     The repository to add is
>>     Norbert
>> -- 
>> Mariano
>> <>


/Johannes Rasche
Hagelberger Str. 56
10965 Berlin
fon +49 30 851 14 92
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