Two main behaviours of interest:
* The CI monkey will not test a slice on a case that has an open sub-case.
* Parent cases can only be closed when all sub-cases are closed.

So parent cases are useful:
* When its required that a fix needs to be staged into several steps.  The
last step is the parent case.  As each sub-case is closed, the CI will
immediately test the parent slice.
* While trying to fix issue A, you find another issue B that its better to
deal with spearately, that A depends on.  Make B a sub-case of A.
* When its useful to break up a task into several smaller steps. For
example: Convert *all* "xxx" method calls to "yyy" method calls  might be
too much to manage all at once. or "Make all CI tests green".  In this case
you might create an "over-arching" case.

cheers -ben

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Sergio Fedi <> wrote:

> What are Parent Cases?
> What problem do they address? When should they be used?

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