> On 28 May 2015, at 09:02, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de> wrote:
> Hi Sergio,
> 2015-05-28 1:56 GMT+02:00 Sergio Fedi <sergio.f...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:sergio.f...@gmail.com>>:
> Hi list!
> As we are adding comments to Packages in Pharo, we stumbled upon the fact 
> that there are other creatures present in the package list.
> These are:
> RPackageTag, which models the tags under the package
> DynamicGroup, which model the dynamic categories of LastModifiedClasses, 
> MostViewedClasses and Work
> Objects of these classes WILL have to understand the accessor #comment
> 1 - How do we want RPackageTag and DynamicGroup to handle #comment and 
> #comment: ?
> RPackageTags knows about the package they are in, they could answer 
>   self package comment
> I have no objections to add comments to the Groups.

I do :)
Groups are Nautilus exclusive structures, not part of the system. Why would you 
want to add comments there?
As Stef said, in that case I, to make groups polymorphic, I would just answer 
an empty string. 

> 2 - Are there any other classes present in that list we are not aware of?
> No.
> Some options we can consider:
> a - Hardcode in an generic answer to #comment, do nothing on #comment, leave 
> them be for now
> b - Have the object behave as a RPackage, it can have a persistent comment. 
> In this case, where do we save that data?
> Since the Package Comments case is taking so long, and to keep the scope of 
> the case in check, we are incline to handle both classes with option a.
> Another way:
> The elements in the package/group list can be wrapped by an 
> PackageTreeSelection. We can make the distinction at this
> level.
> PackageTreeTagSelection -> delegate to package
> PackageTreePackageSelection -> set/get package comment
> PackageTreeGroupSelection -> ignore
> But be aware, not all operations in Nautilus initialize the current selection 
> correctly.
> Sometimes the selected package item is a PackageTreeSelection, sometimes it 
> is just the RPackage/-Tag/Group item.
> This is a bug not yet resolved.
> But we wanted to check with the list first, just in case.
> Ok, now let's hear you feedback.

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