Le 8 juin 2015 à 16:33, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :

> Did you see Zn[JSON]RestServerDelegate>>#errorResponse:code:message: and 
> follow its users ?

yes. I saw #serverError:exception: that is using it (and also a bunch of other 
useful methods)

> Also, ZnRestServerDelegate>>#handleRequest: does transform any error in a 
> proper REST server error.

Strangely, I did not catch this one. Surprising because it is one of the two 
users of #serverError:exception:
It is exactly what I search for.

> Does that help ?

Yes, when you put into production, you just need to remove the call to 
debugMode: true. I forgot this one and then, was surprised to see the debugger 

By the way, what is the best strategy to keep a trace of failures. I can see 
you log failures as announcements. Do you have an object in the image recording 
all announcements?

Thanks Sven.

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