
You need to fork it to be able to see the updates right away.

An example :

[ 1 to: 100 do: [ :i |
    Transcript show: i asString.
    (Delay forMilliseconds: 20) wait.
] ] fork



2015-06-10 11:48 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Tleye <sebastian.tl...@gmail.com>:

> Hi all,
> I want to print in the transcript from inside a loop, the problem I am
> seeing is that it does not print until the loop is finished. Is it a bug or
> do I have to configure something?
> This is a piece of code to exemplify it
> (1 to: 10000) do: [ :i |
> Transcript show: i asString.
>  ]
> Thanks in advance
> By the way, I am using Pharo 3.
> --
> Sebastián Tleye

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