Hello everybody,

The question I have concerns OSWindow and its backend : SDL. However, even
if I'll speak about these two, i think the question is quite general and
can apply to every API.

There are some functions that we are sure we will find in every backend
possible (for instance the possibility to create a new window, to resize it
etc.) and for these ones it is totally fine to abstract the backend from
the user because you know that even if the backend has to change the API
will be usable the same way.

But there are some functions that are quite specific to a certain backend
and you cannot always find it in others. But this function is cool so it
would be a shame not to implement it just for the sake of uniformity.
In this case I see two options :

1) You abstract these functions exactly the same way you did for the others
and the user is not informed at all. In this case the risk is that if the
backend changes it may break the API for the user because he won't be able
to use this function anymore.And he may feel a bit sad because he was not
warned about it.

2) You make *something* to let the user know that this or that function is
specific to this or that backend. By doing so the user knows that there is
a small risk that he won't be able to use this function anymore if the
backend changes. He has been warned.

Now I prefer the second option but I wanted to ask you about that
"something". What is the best way to warn the user ?

- Should I let the name of the backend in the name of the method ?
- Should I put all these methods in a specific package and name / comment
that package accordingly ?
- Some other things ?

Basically my question is : what is the best way to let the user know he is
dealing with a specific function for a specific backend ?



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