Hello Pharoers,

I'd like to do something a bit crazy and I think it's possible in Pharo so
I'm asking for advises here.

I would like to have packages / hierarchy of classes in Pharo that have
methods written with a different syntax.

I know that syntax coloring and most refactoring tools work on AST. So is
it possible, for a given class, to override #parser or #parserClass class
side in a similar way that you can override #compiler and #compilerClass,
and from then on, the class methods will use this parser instead of
RBParser to be parse its methods source code to the AST in the compilation
chain and for syntax coloring (hence with full compatibility with the class
browser) ?

I am talking about another syntax that would be parsed to the same AST for
now, though as the compiler can be changed too, I guess a complete separate
compilation chain and AST could work fine if the AST has common APIs with
RB for the refactoring browser and syntax coloring.

What do you think ?

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