
Metacello Pharo5.0 tests are green[1]!

The "default" test fails, but that test is designed to validate the examples in the documentation and I believe that the failure occurs while attempting to load Seaside3.1.3[2] and I'm pretty sure that Seaside3.1.3 won't load into Pharo5.0 so we're in business ...

I will move the "default" test back to pharo4.0 and submit a bug that the Metacello docs/examples need to be updated for Pharo5.0 ...



On 08/06/2015 11:41 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:

It looks like Metacello travis builds are still failing for Pharo5.0[1]. The error appears to be occurring in the builderCI Metacello bootstrapping code. So I will shift my focus to that area ... Since 5.0 already has Metacello installed (like GemStone) we should arrange to skip the Metacello bootsrap step altogether ... I will look into that now ...

Since my travis builds are failing, it would help if someone can confirm that the master branch of Metacello can be used by Pharo5.0 while I tackle the builderCI issues ...



On 08/06/2015 10:42 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
Okay I'm back and looking into this (I had some family issues to attend to over the last few weeks) ...

I've merge Christophe's changes for Pharo5.0 into the Metacello master branch ... there is a chicken and egg problem in testing fundamental changes in Metacello on travis, since the travis framework (builderCI [1]) reuires Metacello to be loaded ... the tests are running at the moment and I'll try to stay on top of this until we get things loading smoothly for Pharo 5.0


On 07/24/2015 03:28 AM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
On 24-07-15 11:14, Thierry Goubier wrote:
Hi Peter,

the FileTree part is solved, as far as I could do (i.e. all tests green
with Pharo5 on Linux), but there is a failure in the travis CI of the
most annoying type: the filetree code isn't even loaded :(

The BaseLineOfMetacello was misisng Pharo5.x platform attributes.

Pull request 358


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