On Sun, Aug 23, 2015 at 10:02 PM, Merwan Ouddane
<merwanoudd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I made a WAV parser, so now we can play music in Pharo :)
> I made an example using OpenAL's binding from Ronnie.
> You can try it with this piece of code :
> Gofer new
>         smalltalkhubUser: 'MerwanOuddane' project: 'WAVParser';
>         package: 'ConfigurationOfWAVParser';
>         load.
> (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfWAVParser) loadBleedingEdge.
> (Smalltalk at: #ALExamplesWAV) exampleBirdChirping
> Merwan

This is great! I never pushed at trying sound since I had the
impression there were issues on some platforms and it hadn't been
critical for me, but trying your example worked out of the box in
build 50264 on OSX Mavericks. Actually it took me a few moments to
notice it was the playback and not some birds outside. Made me grin
from ear to ear.

Probably not critical, but I get informed "Information - The size in
the header do not match the real size. The file may be corrupted."
In WavParser>>sanityCheckFileSize...
   stream size --> 215608
   header fileSize -> 215600

cheers -ben

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