
can you try with the RBParser directly? I believe Opal uses the RBParser.

RBParser parseMethod: 'createRedMorph
    ^ (self new color:Color red); yourself'

Oh, RBParser sees it as:

self new
color: Color red;



2015-09-16 10:56 GMT+02:00 Nicolai Hess <>:

> The following method compiles with Opal:
> createRedMorph
>     ^ (self new color:Color red); yourself
> but gives a syntax error with the old compilers parser
> createRedMorph
>     ^ (self new color:Color red)End of block expected -> ; yourself
> removing the parenthesis of course works for both.
> Who is right ?
> (for those who understand the ParseTreeSearcher syntax, how would
> a search expression look, for finding code like:
>    "(some expression);yourself"
> nicolai

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