Le 12 oct. 2015 à 12:53, Stephan Eggermont a écrit :

> On 12-10-15 10:42, Christophe Demarey wrote:
>> When you develop, you have a working copy of a package meta-data, including 
>> dependencies. Actually, there are current dependencies of the package. You 
>> could avoid to refer to specific versions and just point to the package name 
>> as your working image should already have packages loaded. (kind of 
>> configurationOf baseline)
>> When you release a version (strong act), then you "freeze" the current 
>> working version of the package meta-data and you publish it somewhere (a 
>> package repository) so that it becomes available to others. This metadata is 
>> not source cod, is easily accessible by tools and it becomes easy to build a 
>> web site on top of this to search / promote packages.
> What does releasing mean here? Could you frame it in terms of the 5D paper 
> and the problems they describe?

Regarding the 5D paper, what I call release is the version dimension, where you 
edit design information.
"the designers typically work on a nonversioned copy of the data files which is 
kept separate from the versioned copies stored in the archive"

the nonversioned copy (in our case is versionned as source code but not as a 
release) is what I called the working copy of package metadata. A released 
version is a versioned copy of package metadata published in the package 
repository. It means a release version has reach some level of maturity and is 
ready to use.


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