2015-10-11 22:21 GMT+02:00 Henrik Nergaard <henri...@student.uia.no>:

> It looks like the taskbarThumbnails might be leaking memory.
> When moving the mouse across the taskbar viewing the different thumbnails
> the memory usage increases by quite a lot (viewed in the taskmanager
> (Windows) ).
> I made an example script to illustrate the resource usage.
> Test scenario: 20 windows;
> 1 Playground, 19 Nautilus browsers (these are minimized).
> =============== Create Test Scenario ========================
> 19 timesRepeat: [
>                Nautilus openOnClass: Object.
>                World doOneCycle.
> ].
> World doOneCycle.
> World submorphs
>                select: [ :m |
>                               m isKindOf: NautilusWindow
>                ]
>                thenDo: [ :m | m minimize  ]
> ===== Enumerate the mouse moving from one taskbarButton to the next =======
> | delay |
> delay := [ :msToWait |
>                | t |
>                t := Time now asMilliSeconds.
>                [ (Time now asMilliSeconds - t) < msToWait ]
>                               whileTrue: [ World doOneCycle ].
> ].
> 20 timesRepeat: [
>                World submorphs
>                               detect: [:m | m isTaskbar ]
>                               ifFound: [ :taskbar |
>                                              taskbar orderedTasks collect:
> [ :task |
>                                                             task morph
>                                              ]
>                                              thenDo: [ :morph |
>                                                             | button |
>                                                             button :=
> (taskbar taskButtonOf: morph).
>                                                             morph
> taskbarButtonEntered: button event: nil in: nil.
>                                                             delay value:
> 100.
>                                                             morph
> taskbarButtonLeft: button event: nil in: nil.
>                                                             delay value:
> 100
>                                              ]
>                               ].
>                Smalltalk garbageCollect.
> ].
> ============================================================
> Results: (Newest Win vm -> Image 50377)
> opening the 20 Windows RAM used is 70MB.
> 1 iteration: 93MB
> 20 iterations: 130MB \ 190 MB when garbageCollect is commented out.
> Should the resource usage be that high?

No, this looks bad.

Maybe this is because every thumbnail creates a new form to draw on. This
is not
needed in this case, as there is only one thumbnail view visible at time.
But I doubt that this is the reason, because we are creating Forms all over
the place
and the thumbnail view forms aren't special.

> (a taskbarThumbnail is deleted before the next one is shown...)
> Best regards,
> Henrik

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