Here's the documentation for the Metacello github:// repository description[1]. ...

In recent versions of Metacello I have made it possible for you to use pattern matching in the <version identifier> to provide for symbolic-version-like facility for github references.

Instead of stableForPharo4 you would associate a semantic version with the code that is "stableForPharo4" for example `4.0.0` and use the tag `v4.0.0` to mark the commit that is "stableForPharo4".

Similarly you'd use the tag `v5.0.0` to mark the commit that is "stableForPharo5".

Then you'd use the following in your baseline: method (not in a symbolicVersion method).

  spec for: #'pharo4.0.x'
    do: [spec
      baseline: 'Project'
       with: [ spec repository: 'github://username/Project:v4.?/']].
  spec for: #'pharo5.0.x'
    do: [spec
       baseline: 'Project'
       with: [ spec repository: 'github://username/Project:v5.?/']].

If you end up with a new commit that patches a Pharo4 problem, you'd tag that commit as `v4.0.1` and so on .... The above `v4.?` pattern will match `v4.0.1` and you'll pick up that tag the next time you refresh your build (i.e., do a `get` on the Project baseline ... which causes a new download from Github) ...



[1] [2]

On 10/19/2015 08:05 PM, Gabriel Cotelli wrote:
I was wondering if something like this can work:

Given a ConfigurationOfProject (a subclass of ConfigurationOf)  defining:

stable: spec <symbolicVersion: #stable> spec for: #'pharo4.0.x' do: [spec baseline: 'Project' with: [ spec repository: 'github://username/Project:stableForPharo4/']]. spec for: #'pharo5.0.x' do: [spec baseline: 'Project'with: [ spec repository: 'github://username/Project:stableForPharo5/']].

where stableForPharo4 and stableForPharo5 are tags in the git repo (and assuming the BaselineOfProject is defined in this commits). Is this supposed to work :
Metacello new
  configuration: 'Project';
  repository: 'github://username/Project:master';
  version: #stable;
I've tried using a non-symbolic version and it works but I can't make it work for #stable. I'd like to use this configuration for the Configuration Browser/Catalog Browser.
Any help is appreciated.

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