bump? :)

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 12:57 AM, Peter Uhnák <i.uh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> How practical it is to do set-based comparison
> in TestAsserter>>assertCollection:hasSameElements: ?
> For example #(1 1 2) has same elements as #(1 2) which may make sense for
> sets, but not for bags.
> The main reason I was using it is that in tests the expected collection
> may be created by hand,
> which means it is very often an array #(...), { ... }, while models very
> often return OrderedCollections (at least in my case).
> So my question is --- how to compare collections irrespective of type, and
> possibly of order?
> A) always convert the actual collection toanArray
> B) change difference: behavior for non-sets (ton of work with catastrophic
> consequences)
> C) extend TAssertable with new methods like
> #assertElementsOf: actualCollection equals: expectedCollection
> #assertUnorderedElementsOf: actualCollection equals: expectedCollection
> C.a) directly in Pharo/SUnit
> C.b) in independend SUnit-Extensions repository/project
> C.c) just in my project
> D) stop discussing non-problems
> Thanks,
> Peter

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