
I'm trying to understand why this method hangs in certain conditions*. What
happens is that the #whileTrue: in the following method is never cut.

benchFor: duration
"Run me for duration and return a BenchmarkResult"
"[ 100 factorial ] benchFor: 2 seconds"
| count run started |
count := 0.
run := true.
[ duration wait. run := false ] forkAt: Processor timingPriority - 1.
started := Time millisecondClockValue.
[ run ] whileTrue: [ self value. count := count + 1 ].
^ BenchmarkResult new
iterations: count;
elapsedTime: (Time millisecondsSince: started) milliSeconds;

Strangely, I verified with several #logCr that the forked block starts, but
the #wait never ends.
---> Maybe you see something I don't in the code. Any clue?

I will continue trying to isolate the problem, but maybe you have some idea.

* the conditions to reproduce are:
1) curl get.pharo.org/50+vm | bash
2) ./pharo Pharo.image get Epicea 6.5
3) ./pharo Pharo.image test '^(?!Metacello)[A-L].*'

- It doesn't hang when running from UI
- it doesn't hang when running less tests, like:
  pharo Pharo.image test '^(?!Metacello)[E-L].*'
- it *does* hang even when removing all Epicea tests
- Epicea doesn't extend or override "kernel" behavior...


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