That was my point. If we had a solid model of changes (and I expect epic to be 
like that), than I believe we could simply select the real changes since last 
save and apply them.

Maybe some time :)


> On 20 Nov 2015, at 23:11, Nicolai Hess <> wrote:
> 2015-11-20 23:01 GMT+01:00 Yuriy Tymchuk < 
> <>>:
> > On 20 Nov 2015, at 17:52, Skip Lentz < 
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> >> On Nov 20, 2015, at 5:27 PM, Yuriy Tymchuk < 
> >> <>> wrote:
> >> is Epicea integrated already?
> >
> > No, not yet I think.
> >
> >> If so, is it possible to apply all the changes to code (without doits) 
> >> since the last image save? I think that it should be really helpful 
> >> because searching for changes and cherry-picking them is a pain.
> >
> > You can see the lost changes in the ‘Old sessions’ browser (in the World 
> > menu). You have to then open the appropriate session, the timestamp shows 
> > when they were last modified. Open the one when you crashed the image, or 
> > whatever happened. This will open the log browser.
> I cannot find ‘Old sessions’. Where is it? Is it something new, or it’s 
> “Tools > Recover lost changes…" thing that was always there?
> Yes, “Tools > Recover lost changes…" the session browser is gone. It was just 
> a list of last save timestamp. Now the Recover lost changes
> just shows *all* changes. But beware, recovering from this changes browser 
> does not always work - some times the order is wrong :( 
> Cheers.
> Uko
> >
> > As of now you have to manually select all events (using shift you can 
> > select a range of events in the log).Then you have to redo them in one go 
> > by right clicking the selection.
> > Double check the changes for the time being as the redoing and undoing 
> > functionality is still being tested. For example, right now you will get an 
> > error when you redo (or undo) a class comment change. I will try to fix 
> > this bug right now.
> >
> >> Later this can be improved, so before the changes are applied you see the 
> >> condensed diff.
> >
> > Yea that would be nice.. Also functionality for in the special case of 
> > recovering changes should really be there..
> >
> > Skip

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