On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 7:40 PM, kmo <vox...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it was me who reported the bug. If it's going to be closed without
> being fixed that just means I wasted my time. Not a good message to send
> out.

You are right, its not ideal.  On the flip side, from the issue
history it appears that Nicolai took the time to dig into the problem,
understand it and provide a fix.  So your report was not ignored.
Closing the bug unfixed would also waste that effort of Nicolai's, but
since he is the one who donated his time on your behalf, I believe he
is entitled to make that call to moderate "bug bankruptcy" per [1].
Thats how open source works.

Now it would be *real*nice* if we had a bug bounty system where you
could prioritize bugs important to you, but in the meantime, if the
issue had no progress for two years, its an important question to ask
how likely is it to progress further on its own.  We can't do
everything and a bug backlog consumes resources to manage.  So while
Fogbugz is good as a tracker and a historian, its useful to socialise
issues on the mail list from time to time to help prioritise them.
Anyway, it seem Nicolai's mail had the desired effect of bumping it on
an action list.

[1] http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2012/07/09.html

cheers -ben

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