On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 4:12 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
marianop...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 7:27 AM, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 07 Dec 2015, at 17:17, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> OK Max. In the last version you can find the "likely" final version. It's
>> extremely simple, easy to use, and very very little code. Only one
>> override. All WADynamicVariables subclasses handled automatically. All you
>> need to do is to register the handler:
>> app filter configuration at: #exceptionHandler put:
>> WAPharoDebuggererErrorHandler.
>> It works for exceptions and both Halt too. The only limit is only the
>> "last opened debugger" will be correct and all previous will be wrong since
>> they will be using another values for dynamic variables.
>> I will see if people want to integrate this directly into Seaside.
>> Very nice! And since you provide a separate error handler it’s easy to
>> integrate into seaside too by simply adding it to the handler chain.
> Exactly. The only issue to fix is the override in WADynamicVariable >>
> defaultAction.
> And that's not easy. Why? Because at that level, we know nothing about the
> current seaside app or anything. We don't know which seaside app those
> signal came from. Of course, I can still do the check to the handler to see
> if that has that variable stored. But... What if now you have set another
> error handler? Or what about OTHER possible registered apps which use a
> different error handler.
> Thoughts?  I have some HACKS in mind, but they are hacks and none solves
> all problems. And only for Pharo.
> Any idea to solve this would be nice.
Assuming you are using GTDebugger (should be very easy to adapt for normal
debugger), we can do this:

" This is an override from SeasidePharoDebugging because before raising a
signal we
first check if we have the value stored. That way, everywhere
we evaluate code in a debugger that end ups doing 'WACurrentRequestContext
value' will simply
get up to this place. Since in WAPharoDebuggererErrorHandler >> #open:  we
stored the dynamic variables, we should have the value "
| openedSeasideErrorDebuggers |
*openedSeasideErrorDebuggers := ((UIManager default currentWorld submorphs
select: [ :each | each model isKindOf: GTGenericStackDebugger ]) *
* collect: [ :each | each model ]) *
* select: [ :each2 | (each2 session interruptedProcess suspendedContext
method selector = #openDebuggerOn:)*
* and: (each2 session interruptedProcess suspendedContext sender receiver
class = WADynamicVariablesErrorHandler) ].*
^ openedSeasideErrorDebuggers
ifEmpty: [ self class defaultValue ]
ifNotEmpty: [
(WADynamicVariablesErrorHandler storedDynamicVariable: self class)
ifNil: [ self class defaultValue ]

But that..the only thing it solves is that we would not be getting the
value of dynamic variables from previous errors if there is none debugger
opened from a seaside continuation. If you let a debugger opened debugging
a seaside error, then there is no magic we can do I think.
Imagine you were in a debugger and you evaluated: "WAComponent new
session". The signal raised from there knows NOTHING about the debugger
where that was evaluated... so at #defaultAction level you know nothing
about what triggered that.

The only thing to solve this would be to hook into the do-it, print it,
inspect etc...too complicated.


>> Two tiny things:
>> - you’re not using the #reset method you wrote but instead manually
>> assign nil to the variable
> yes, thanks.
>> - I guess the dictionary in the handler could be a SmallDictionary. There
>> won’t be many entries.
> Well..since there will be likely.. less than 10 entries I don't care which
> Dictionary to use. However, I would prefer to keep Dictionary. Or if not
> GRSmallDictionary.
>> Thanks a lot for this. I’ll probably port this back to Seaside 2.8 so I
>> can use it too :)
> No problem. Thanks for reviewing and give feedback.
>> On Sat, Dec 5, 2015 at 11:36 AM, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 05 Dec 2015, at 12:58, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianop...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>> Can you try with the latest version that does not use LPC if it works?
>>> Works perfectly!
>> --
>> Mariano
>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com


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