In the Launcher settings you can specify which VM to use.  Just be
careful with spaces in the path name.  I can't remember if escaping
with a backslash or quotes around the path was the solution.

cheers -ben

On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 2:47 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano
<> wrote:
> Ciao,
> on Ubuntu system 14.04 i load the Pharo-launcher support.
> Now all the pharo.image on the system run with the same pharo VM,
> but i have a image ( Glass TODE environment )   to load with specific VM and
> relative library.
> If i load it with the default pharo VM, when i do some Tode commands the
> system report:  Error: External module not found.
> I think to create a new launcher application.
> I copy the /usr/share/applications/pharo-vm-desktop into
> pharoTode-vm.desktop
> [Desktop Entry]
> Name=Pharo Tode VM
> GenericName=Pharo Tode Virtual Machine
> Exec=pharo-vm-x %F
> Icon=pharo
> Terminal=false
> Type=Application
> StartupNotify=false
> Categories=Development;
> MimeType=application/x-pharo-image;
> NoDisplay=true
> but i don't understand how reference the specific Pharo VM.
> I have a  gsDevKitHome/pharo directory  with the todeClient.image,  the
> pharo bash
> and pharo-vm  subdirectory   with the relative pharo-vm and relative lib*
> to connect with the glass environment.
> Thanks for considerations,
> Dario

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