Looks good but I don't understand it :)


> Am 13.12.2015 um 22:13 schrieb stepharo <steph...@free.fr>:
> Hi guys
> with Olivier Auverlot we did several attempts (over the year) and we are 
> happy to release a first draft of a web tutorial
> around Pharo. We ask the user to build a simple blog engine.
> It goes over
>    - Mongo
>    - Seaside
>    - Magritte
> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/TinyBlogTutorial/5/artifact/book-result/output.pdf
> Soon Rest/Deployment/Garage?/NeoJSON/XML
> If you want to participate (translate it to english) or improve it you are 
> welcome.
> We hope that it will serve as a basis to a lot of Seaside applications.
> This tutorial will be used in the lecture I'm giving next weeks in Togo and 
> will be edited as a lulu book.
> Stef and Olivier.

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