> Alright, please let me know. If someone shows me how to get this into > configurations and the Catalog, we'll get it done.
You just need to commit your configuration to MetaRepoForPharo50 (this should be public repo; if you can't commit ask on the mailing list and someone will add you). But before you do that, open Versionner (World > Tools > Versionner), right click your configuration and select "add catalog methods". This will add class-side methods to the Configuration class which you can modify to write things like description, website, tags, etc. You can also use the Veresionner to create your ConfigurationOf if you don't have one already, more info on Configurations can be found in DeepIntoPharo (Metacello chapter) https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/view/Books/job/DeepIntoPharo/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/tmp/Metacello.pdf or look through other configurations in the image or search through mailing list archives, there should be plenty of information. Peter