On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 3:59 AM, Robert Withers
<robert.w.with...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the links. I am ready to copy my ConfigurationOfCryptography to
> the MetaRepoForPharo50, though I did my work in Pharo 4, if that is ok.

That would be MetaRepoForPharo40 :)

> Could you add me so I can publish there, please?
> robert
> On 12/15/2015 12:55 PM, Peter Uhnák wrote:
>>> Alright, please let me know. If someone shows me how to get this into
>>> configurations and the Catalog, we'll get it done.
>> You just need to commit your configuration to MetaRepoForPharo50 (this
>> should be public repo; if you can't commit ask on the mailing list and
>> someone will add you).
>> But before you do that, open Versionner (World > Tools > Versionner),
>> right click your configuration and select "add catalog methods".
>> This will add class-side methods to the Configuration class which you
>> can modify to write things like description, website, tags, etc.

I hadn't noticed this feature before - maybe its been added since I
last used Versioneer, so I'm asking my question a bit blind (from my
day job)...
Is it really *obvious* where these methods are created?  Perhaps it
would be good to have text fields or a code pane tab for each, to
really encourage people to fill these in.
cheers -ben

>> You can also use the Veresionner to create your ConfigurationOf if you
>> don't have one already, more info on Configurations can be found in
>> DeepIntoPharo (Metacello chapter)
>> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/view/Books/job/DeepIntoPharo/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/tmp/Metacello.pdf
>> or look through other configurations in the image or search through
>> mailing list archives, there should be plenty of information.
>> Peter
> --
> . .. .. ^,^ best, robert

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