Guillermo Polito <> writes:

> Hmm, usually an image file has a header that describes some meta data about 
> the image: version, some VM options, size of the image…
> If you load:
> Gofer it
>     squeaksource3: 'ImageWriter';
>     package: ‘ImageWriter-Core';
>     load.
> You’ll get HzCogImageFormat that describes the header. Check the method 
> writeImageHeaderOn: byteStream forWriter: aWriter 

thanks Guillermo. I won't do it myself because I'm very busy and don't
have much time for Pharo programming, but I hope someone using the
launcher with Pharo 5 will have a look.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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