Hi Denis,

This makes me think about the VNC server, which is a TCP server.

The implementation of it is on top of another generic one.



On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 1:28 PM, Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>

> Hello.
> So my question not about how to do it. But how to not copy another time
> classic incoming connections loop.
> I not found ready solution. So I created simplest TCPServer project
> <http://smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pharo/TCPServer>with good tests. Now you can
> subclass TCPServer and implement single method #processNewConnection:.
> That's all.
> (Not release version yet. There is only development version)
> Best regards,
> Denis
> 2015-12-17 18:53 GMT+01:00 Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.mora...@gmail.com
> >:
>> Hi Denis,
>> There is
>> http://www.squeaksource.com/SocketExamples.html
>> http://www.squeaksource.com/Net.html
>> Last one seems a lot of interesting work.
>> or look for #remoteTestServerTCP which was in OldSocket or Socket some
>> time ago:
>> remoteTestServerTCP
>>     "See remoteTestClientTCP for instructions on running this method."
>>     "OldSocket remoteTestServerTCP"
>>     | socket client buffer n |
>>     Transcript show: 'initializing network ... '.
>>     Socket initializeNetwork.
>>     Transcript show:'ok';cr.
>>     socket _ OldSocket newTCP.
>>     socket
>>         listenOn: 54321
>>         backlogSize: 5
>>         interface: (NetNameResolver addressFromString: ''). "or:
>>     Transcript show: 'server endpoint created -- run client test in other
>> image'; cr.
>>     buffer _ String new: 4000.
>>     socket waitForConnectionUntil: self standardDeadline.
>>     client _ socket accept.
>>     [client isConnected] whileTrue: [
>>         client dataAvailable ifTrue:
>>             [n _ client    receiveDataInto: buffer.
>>             client sendData: buffer count: n]].
>>     client closeAndDestroy.
>>     socket closeAndDestroy.
>>     Transcript cr; show: 'server endpoint destroyed'; cr.
>>     ^socket
>> Cheers,
>> Hernán
>> 2015-12-10 8:07 GMT-03:00 Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hi.
>>> I need simple TCP server which process incoming connection in separate
>>> processes.
>>> I see Zinc ZnServer subclasses implement something like that. But I'm
>>> not sure that it is good idea to reuse it. Zinc server has http related
>>> methods which I'm not need.
>>> What you think?
>>> (I don't want to implement another one incoming connections loop)

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