On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 12:43 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe <s...@stfx.eu> wrote:
> Doru,
> For me this whole discussion started because you (the standpoint that you 
> take) hijacked the best selector (#sum) for a use case that is much less 
> common than adding a collection of numbers which should give 0 when empty 
> (you hijack it by not wanting to return 0, which I totally understand, but 
> doing so you redefine the meaning/semantics).
> Max's point is to make everything more consistent and remove some API. I 
> support that too.
> Now, I like Max's proposal.
> But, you know, my conclusion when the thread ended was that it might be 
> better to throw all these selectors away, since #inject:into: covers most use 
> cases at least as well and at least as clear.
> Sven
>> On 20 Dec 2015, at 14:10, Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Could we not have sum, but sumNumbers instead? So, we would end up with:
>> sum:ifEmpty:
>> sum: (with error)
>> sumNumbers (without error)
>> From the outside, #sum: looks like it should parameterize #sum, but the 
>> implementation is actually different. So, given that in this implementation 
>> #sum is not a special case of #sum: the two should be named differently to 
>> reflect that difference. Hence my proposal is to keep #sumNumbers instead of 
>> #sum.

I agree somewhat with Duro to avoid #sum and #sum:  having different semantics,
but I agree more with Sven about keeping #sum for numbers only and
returning zero,
so why not turn Doru's suggestion around...

#sum  (empty --> 0)
#sumBy:   (empty --> error)
#sumBy: ifEmpty:   (empty --> no error)

alternatively could be #sumUsing: or #sumWith:  or something similar.

>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>>> On Dec 20, 2015, at 1:47 PM, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 20 Dec 2015, at 13:43, Gabriel Cotelli <g.cote...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Max,
>>>> sum: aBlock ifEmpty: emptyBlock needs to obtain the sample evaluating the 
>>>> block.
>>>> sum: aBlock ifEmpty: emptyBlock
>>>>     | sum sample |
>>>>     self isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ emptyBlock value ].
>>>>     sample := aBlock value: self anyOne.
>>>>     sum := self
>>>>             inject: sample
>>>>             into: [ :accum :each | accum + (aBlock value: each) ].
>>>>     ^ sum - sample
>>> Thanks! Missed that.
>>>> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 8:59 AM, Max Leske <maxle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I would like to wrap up this discussion.
>>>>> On 05 Dec 2015, at 18:14, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>>>>> So what is the conclusion?
>>>>> I like the idea of Esteban M to have iterator because it moves some 
>>>>> behavior out of core classes.
>>>>> [[[
>>>>> aCollection arithmetic sum: [...] or.... aCollection
>>>>> arithmetic avg.
>>>>> ]]]
>>>> While I think that iterators are an intriguing idea I also believe that 
>>>> they are beyond the scope of this issue. If anybody wants to follow up on 
>>>> iterators (or unit types for that matter) please start a new thread / 
>>>> issue.
>>>> I propose to use Sven’s version for #sum:ifEmpty:. The result would be 
>>>> these three methods:
>>>> sum
>>>>     ^ self
>>>>             sum: [ :each | each ]
>>>>             ifEmpty: [ 0 ]
>>>> sum: aBlock
>>>>     ^ self
>>>>             sum: aBlock
>>>>             ifEmpty: [ self errorEmptyCollection ]
>>>> sum: aBlock ifEmpty: emptyBlock
>>>>     | sum sample |
>>>>     self isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ emptyBlock value ].
>>>>     sample := self anyOne.
>>>>     sum := self
>>>>             inject: sample
>>>>             into: [ :accum :each | accum + (aBlock value: each) ].
>>>>     ^ sum - sample
>>>> I’ve attached a couple of benchmark results below. To me they show that
>>>> 1. the new implementation is maybe a tiny bit slower but insignificantly 
>>>> so (if you’re going for performance you’ll probably write your own 
>>>> optimised version anyway)
>>>> 2. there is no need to duplicate the code (like #sum and #sum: currently 
>>>> do). It’s perfectly fine to delegate to #sum:ifEmpty:
>>>> In addition to the above changes I would like to remove #detectSum: (-> 
>>>> #sum:) and #sumNumbers (-> #sum).
>>>> Note that once we agree on changing this API, we will need to also change 
>>>> #detectMin:, #detectMax:, #min, #max as well as all overrides (e.g. 
>>>> RunArray, Interval) of these and of #sum et. al. to stay consistent. The 
>>>> changes would of course be in line with this change, such that every 
>>>> operation has a unary selector with a sensible default, one that takes a 
>>>> block and throws an error for empty collections and a third that takes a 
>>>> block for the iteration and one for the empty case.
>>>> Please cast your vote for these changes:
>>>> 1. Do you agree to changing #sum and #sum: in the suggested way?

>>>> 2. Do you agree to the removal of #detectSum:?
?? (not familiar)

>>>> 3. Do you agree to the removal of #sumNumbers?

>>>> 4. Do you agree that the #max and #min selectors also need to be adapted?
?? (not familiar)

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