On Tue, Dec 22, 2015 at 3:20 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck
<marianop...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 5:21 PM, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Mariano,
>> Le 20/12/2015 19:54, Mariano Martinez Peck a écrit :
>>> Hi Dimitri, Dave et all.
>>> First let me do a little disclaimer. Regarding the developments itself
>>> of this sponsorship, we discussed about the topics I said in the first
>>> email. However, those are not written in stone and that's why I also
>>> asked for feedback. As you know, Pharo has relatively little resources
>>> so those should be well spent. If we decide to take a spin into a
>>> project X, it doesn't mean other projects are not worth. It simply means
>>> that we think X will be the most useful for the time being.
>>> One of the final goals of the discusses topics, is to improve a bit the
>>> infrastructure for using Pharo as scripting (imagine Coral). For such a
>>> thing, we believe that improving FileSystem and OSProcess-like is a good
>>> first step to improve the underlying infrastructure.
>> Would we have access then to a command-line oriented minimal Pharo image?
> Well, just for putting perspective my sponsorship is about 3 full months of
> work effort. It doesn't mean I won't work beyond that. But to give you an
> idea. I think we all want minimal images , command line etc. And Pharo has
> already done a huge effort in that direction.

>>> That being said, I of course like the idea of distributing processing
>>> across multiple images. No wonder, my PhD tool (Marea) and related
>>> sub-projects (Fuel, Ghost proxies, etc) have something to do with the
>>> mentioned topic. Dave already mentioned about RemoteTask, which was
>>> something I was about to mention. There is also Seamless project (now
>>> used by Remote Debugger stuff) and quite other tools. Finally, I think
>>> this project may have a big percentage that could be considered as
>>> "research". So having a PhD / master student working on this would also
>>> be nice. In fact, maybe Denis Kudriashov might work on that topic??? (he
>>> is now in RMOD team).
>>> Also, not that forking the image is not my main short-term goal. As
>>> said, I will experiment first with a simple tool to execute OS commands
>>> that would be FFI based, trying to make async operations, and that would
>>> help in most cases. Maybe for those that are not supported, then
>>> fallback in OSProcess. Note that Dave (OSProcess author) is very helpful
>>> with me and we are discussing together about this.
>> My guess is that, at least on Linux/Unix, that FFI will be exactly the
>> same as the one used/expressed by the OSProcess plugin, that is
>> popen/system.
> No, wait. You are getting down to the details so I want to discuss :)
> OSProcess does not use popen()/system() but rather fork()+exec(). That means
> that OSProcess has implementing the very very low building blocks that would
> allow you do to almost everything. But then it has it's complicated matters.
> fork() + exec() cannot be implemented via FFI (this was already discussed in
> another thread).

Can you link that thread? I'm curious to learn this.  Is it
multi-thread related?   I read [a]...
..."The biggest problem with using fork+exec in this way is that you
can't guarantee *nothing* happens between the fork call and the exec
call. If, for example, the JVM decides to GC or move memory around,
you can have a fatal crash at the JVM process level. Because of that,
I don't recommend using fork + exec via FFI in JRuby, even though it's
pretty cool. "

..."However, since this post I've learned of the "posix_spawn" [b]
function available on most Unix variants. It's basically fork + exec
in a single function, plus most of the typical security and IO tweaks
you might do after forking and before execing. It's definitely my
recommended alternative to fork+exec for JRuby."

And posix_spawn also seems recommended for use with the JVM [d]
and that Windows and POSIX might have similar usage, and even better
match Windows CreateProcess than fork/exec [f] [g] [h]

And since with 64-bit Spur we can expect very large images, spawn may
be preferred over fork/exec to minimize memory usage for creating
application subprocesses [i]

Fork versus threads section of [c]

or should we be making use of pthread_atfork [e] ?

Overall I learnt something new about forking in a multi-threaded environment
"When fork() is called, only the calling thread is duplicated in the
child process."

[a] http://blog.headius.com/2009/05/fork-and-exec-on-jvm-jruby-to-rescue.html
[b] http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/posix_spawn.html
[d] http://skife.org/java/2012/01/24/java_daemonization_with_gressil.html
[c] http://repository.readscheme.org/ftp/papers/sw2002/gasbichler.pdf
[g] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5883462/linux-createprocess

> However, there is a lot of other stuff that we believe it
> could. So... what we wanted to see if it is possible is to have one only (or
> very few) primitives (like forkAndExec) and all the rest via FFI. And then
> all the features I listed in the first email of this thread.
> With that in mind, we believe that:
> 1) Before starting dealing with forkAndExec, we could try a first prototype
> using popen(). That would allow us test a 100% FFI based approeach, deal
> with writing and reading from pipes via stream, face the blocking issue, see
> a prototype on how to read async from pipes etc etc etc. If we see this
> works nicely, on a second step we can build another approach that instead of
> popen() uses forkAndExec primitive.

Is popen() being restricted to unidirectional part of this consideration [j] ?

Also I read [j] that a problem with popen is that you do not get pid
of child so you cannot wait on command to complete.  Could posix_spawn
be preferrable to popen?

and just btw, mildly interesting is using sockets rather than pipes
for interprocess communication [l]

[k] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6743771/popen-alternative

> 2) We believe that there is a large number of OSProcess users that use
> OSProcess only for executing OS commands AND popen() approach would be more
> than enough (we will do a survey about this). So, a very simply solution via
> FFI for these users rather than having all OSProcess, Command Shell, the
> plugins etc, may be worth.
> What do you think?
>> Now, given some of the difficulties seen when dealing with external
>> processes, I'd be wary of the "async" side of things. Random failures
>> seemingly linked to signal loss are certainly not something I'd like to
>> debug.
> Indeed, it won't be easy I guess. But sometimes the process you execute may
> take quite some time and blocking the VM for that period is not a good
> choice. So... what would you prefer to solve that? Do you prefer image-based
> pooling as OSProcess does when IOPlugin is not used?

How much might your work overlap with the Threaded FFI project for Cog?...
..."The Cog VM is single-threaded, providing green threads to the
Smalltalk level, as do most Smalltalk VMs. There is a prototype
subclass of the CoInterpreter, CoInterpreterMT, which provides a
Python-like multi-threaded VM where any number of threads can share
the VM with only one running the VM at any one time.  This uses an
extremely simple low-level scheme for releasing and re-acquiring
ownership of the VM designed by David Simmons.  This results in any
and all FFI calls being non-blocking since there is such a low
overhead to making a non-blocking FFI call that all FFI calls can be
non-blocking.  Eliot has worked on this, implementing the prototype
and the reentrant FFI plugin it requires.  But this needs to be
revived.  It would be a really powerful enhancement."

cheers -ben

P.S. Just another article warning against mixing fork and
multiple-threads (which it seems posix_spawn may avoid)...

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