Hi nicolai

The same on windows. Every RoassalExample crashes immeditly.
Simple Trachel examples are working (TRCanvasExample>>circle)
but as soon as some text is drawn (TRCanvasExample>>label)
the vm crashes.

For example, in
CairoFreeTypeFontRenderer>>#glyphsOf: aString from: start to: end
self freeGlyphs: ptr.

If I remove this line, or replace it with
ptr free.
The VM crashes at some
primitiveFFIAllocate call

But I don't understand the whole implementation behind the new FFI (don't understand what are the difference between #getHandle, #pointer, #gcpointer, ... what memory is garbage collected,. what not or when the memory should be freed by cairos api (like void cairo_glyph_free (void *glyphs)).
Thanks for asking.
Esteban should document all that.
I think that we need more people looking at it and pushing the documentation.


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