I publish version based on new LockOwnership class. It requires slice
17373. Now all test are green

2016-01-10 4:55 GMT+01:00 Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com>:

> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 9:40 PM, Henrik Johansen
> <henrik.s.johan...@veloxit.no> wrote:
> > Here's an alternative implementation, which, instead of checking for the
> new
> > method name, hooks into the existing unwind machinery to execute the
> > waitIfCurtailed: argument.
> > Which removes the special case from Process >> #terminate, but at the
> added
> > cost that in-progress unwinds are executed as if the (suspended)
> terminating
> > thread they started executing on, is still the active process. (Which,
> > arguably, should be done anyways)
> It feels a bit fragile playing peeking into "Processor activeProcess
> suspendingList".  Also it doesn't work :)  It is not sufficient to
> test with only two processes. You need three, since it is the third
> process that wakes up incorrectly.
>   lock := Semaphore forMutualExclusion.
>   waitInFirstCritical := Semaphore new.
>   Transcript clear; show: 'excessSignals=' ,
>                          (lock instVarNamed: 'excessSignals') printString.
>   testBlock := [ :n |
>       Transcript crShow: n printString , ' start'.
>       lock critical2: [
>              (n=1) ifTrue: [ waitInFirstCritical wait ].
>              Transcript crShow: n printString, ' done'.
>      ]].
>   proc1 := (testBlock newProcessWith: {1}) priority: 50.
>   proc2 := (testBlock newProcessWith: {2}) priority: 50.
>   proc3 := (testBlock newProcessWith: {3}) priority: 50.
>   proc1 resume.
>   proc2 resume.
>   proc3 resume.
>   "proc2 terminate."
>   waitInFirstCritical signal.
>   Transcript cr; show: 'excessSignals=' ,
>                          (lock instVarNamed: 'excessSignals') printString.
> "proc2 terminate" commented produces the expected result...
>   excessSignals=1
>   1 start
>   2 start
>   3 start
>   1 done
>   2 done
>   3 done
>   excessSignals=1
> "proc2 terminate" uncommented produces incorrect ordering...
>   excessSignals=1
>   1 start
>   2 start
>   3 start
>   3 done   "<--should occur after 1"
>   1 done
>   excessSignals=2   "<--should be 1"
> Now using "lock := CriticalSection new" provided by Eliot (and
> removing instVarNamed: 'excessSignals' access from the test script)
> produces correct result...
>   1 start
>   2 start
>   3 start
>   1 done
>   3 done
> cheers -ben

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