Hi Doru,

Definitely, it would be a great addition.
I really like spotter but I still need to open some browser or playground to 
search implementors or senders.
This feature + a way to perform exact match will avoid to open extra windows 
and to loose time.

Keep pushing,

Le 11 janv. 2016 à 23:34, Tudor Girba a écrit :

> Hi,
> So, I still did not express myself clearly :).
> #s is not a new shortcut. It’s just a filtering mechanism based on the the 
> name of the category. So, you can also write:
> #s something
> #sen something
> #senders something
> On top of this, we are looking for solutions to have a way to use some 
> shortcuts.
> I like the idea of having Cmd+n to add the text #senders to the query text. 
> We have to see if this can work.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Jan 11, 2016, at 5:59 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>> Why #s 
>> Senders shortcut is since ages Cmd-n 
>> Why do you want to force people to remember two different shortcuts. I do 
>> not get it?
>> Sorry but I did not get at all what is & and personnally I'm not sure that I 
>> want to understand. 
>> Stef
>> Le 10/1/16 22:26, Tudor Girba a écrit :
>>> Hi Stef,
>>> Thanks for taking the time. I think I did not express myself properly in 
>>> the previous mail because we are not really in disagreement :).
>>> The basic mechanism you talk about exists already in Spotter. Let me 
>>> explain. When you type: "#e graphs", you will get two examples (and only 
>>> the example search is being performed).
>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>> This works because the name of the “Examples” category starts with “E”.
>>> Until now we did not have a top level processor that would search for 
>>> Senders (only inside a method). So, because of this you could not search 
>>> for them at the top level. In the meantime Stefan just finished 
>>> implementing it, the name of the category is Senders. So, you will type “#s 
>>> something”.
>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>> I now made the category name start with # so that it is closer to the way 
>>> to query for it. So, when you do not know how, you will just search for 
>>> “something”. Then you will discover the #Senders category, and then you can 
>>> learn that you can search for it.
>>> Now, you seem to be saying that instead of “#s something” you want to type 
>>> “#n something”. For this we would need to find a solution to reconcile the 
>>> two. My proposal was to maybe introduce something like “&n something” to 
>>> distinguish between the string match of a category name and a “shortcut” (I 
>>> do not know how to call it). I can see how to do this technically, but I 
>>> still think this is less discoverable then the filtering by the name like 
>>> described above, and it would be an extra mechanism. We could add this 
>>> shortcut next to the category name to address this issue. The interesting 
>>> thing about the shortcut is that we could possibly make it less ambiguous. 
>>> For example, if you have two categories starting with #S, you will get both 
>>> when you type “#S something”, which is less ideal for a common case. So, 
>>> there are pros and cons.
>>> Now, what is missing is a top level category for References, and I really 
>>> think we would have what you wanted (and it is a good goal). The cool thing 
>>> is that we would be solving this problem with a generic mechanism.
>>> So, what I am suggesting is to invest a bit in categories (#Senders can be 
>>> integrated now) and then we play with it.
>>> Is this explanation clearer? Did I misunderstand something? What do you 
>>> think?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Doru
>>>> On Jan 10, 2016, at 10:23 PM, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:
>>>> Ok my last attempt :( 
>>>> When I look for something there are two cases
>>>>    - most of the time I ********************KKKKNNNOOOOOOOWWWWWWW*********
>>>>    is it clear? I know I know I know what I look for and I WANT THE FASTER 
>>>>    => no three clicks and strange navigation.
>>>>    I want the sender of this message (not the implementors the sender)
>>>>    I want that package
>>>>    I want the references to this class (not the class and the refs that 
>>>> class)
>>>>    and I'm ready to learn 
>>>>        #N for reference 
>>>>        #n for senders
>>>>        #m for implementors 
>>>>        Because they are the same.
>>>>        #e for example like in the finder
>>>>    - looking around and the system can propose me something
>>>>    and I can navigate and think. 
>>>> But this is ok I just use Spotter to open the class browser and all the 
>>>> rest I do it with shortcuts.
>>>> I tried to help but I failed.
>>>> I will present Spotter as the great tool to open browser because I cannot 
>>>> use it otherwise and 
>>>> nobody around me can show me on the spot something more efficient than a 
>>>> shortcut in a workspace. 
>>>> Or may be I will simply not spend energy doing a videos on Spotter because 
>>>> to me this is not ready
>>>> and far less usable than it is supposed to be. 
>>>> Now to me Spotter is taking a lot of classes for the gain I get. What 
>>>> esteban did or what is in Squeak 
>>>> is working perfectly for me because Spotter does not let me express my 
>>>> needs. 
>>>> So may be you have other needs but I would like to know how people really 
>>>> works and not 
>>>> how Spotter should be usefull. 
>>>> The video of dimitry shows that well: Just browse a class and sometimes 
>>>> you get an implementor
>>>> May be you do not like my mail because they look aggressive but when is 
>>>> the last time 
>>>> you did a real study with users that were not already convinced. Or may be 
>>>> with users
>>>> that loves just one tiny feature and not the one you think that they use?
>>>> And BTW it hangs my images two times with 4.0 when I was in africa and 
>>>> this was annoying. 
>>>> Stef
>>>>>> I do not get why you cannot
>>>>>>   - have a set of fixed most used queries and this will create a small 
>>>>>> vocabulary that can be extensible
>>>>>>   and it can be mapped to what we do with shortcuts = reduce cognitive 
>>>>>> load
>>>>>>   and then a full search when you do not know what you are searching.
>>>>>> This is not exclusive and it works for the two scenario.
>>>>> I understand the intention, but I do not understand how these fixed 
>>>>> queries are any different than we have now. When you are on the top of 
>>>>> Spotter, when you query, you get always the same processors being 
>>>>> executed. At first you will not know their names, and you will scroll. 
>>>>> And if you see them, you might remember them and reproduce afterwards. 
>>>>> It’s a discoverable learning process that you do not have to remember.
>>>> Because with these wonderfull queries I do not get what I'm looking for.
>>>> Because the system is trying to guess what I have in my mind and this 
>>>> system is not good for that because I'm thinking about
>>>> the metallica song I'm listening. 
>>>>> The only part that is not discoverable is that # introduces a category 
>>>>> search. Thinking loud, I just thought that we can make the label start 
>>>>> with # like this (I committed this change):
>>>> Sorry but I do not get it. 
>>>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>>>> We also thought of having completion as soon as someone type #. So, you 
>>>>> have a kind of a dropdown for the available categories, but we did not 
>>>>> get to implement that one. This should solve the discoverability problem 
>>>>> even more. What do you think about that?
>>>> Why not 
>>>> but just a ghost with 
>>>>    #n printOn: #m #N ....
>>>> would be a huge improvement
>>>> Each time I used Spotter to look for something more than a class I could 
>>>> not find it. 
>>>>> Regarding the shortcuts, we could associated such shortcuts with a 
>>>>> processor, but I would first want to see if we cannot manage to produce a 
>>>>> solution with the current set of options.
>>>> I was not saying shortcuts and I was thinking the same vocabulary
>>>> Cmd+N
>>>> #N
>>>> Cmd+m
>>>> #m
>>>> Cmd+n
>>>> #n
>>>>>> I was discussing with Luc and he made a fun but sad remark
>>>>>>   "Since people do not understand well spotter they most of the time 
>>>>>> only use it to open a class.
>>>>>>   And this is something that he already had before."
>>>>>>   I briefly looked at the Youtube video of Chloupis and
>>>>>> So you can have a generic super cool tool, if people do not use it it 
>>>>>> defeats its purpose.
>>>>> Certainly.
>>>>>> You can be really happy because you go fast with it but you only.
>>>>> That is not really true :).
>>>> See my remark above. 
>>>>>> So making sure that the most used actions are really supported is 
>>>>>> important.
>>>>> Of course it is. For Senders we did not find a good solution yet that is 
>>>>> reasonably fast and useful. Stefan and I are still literally working on 
>>>>> this. I think we should be able to have a solution, but we have to see if 
>>>>> it is reasonable enough. We will announce it once we have it working.
>>>> the problem is that you want to solve everything at once. While the divide 
>>>> and conquer is the solution for the first 
>>>> scenario I mention. I do not need something that crawls the entire system 
>>>> when I have one precise query.
>>>>> But, really, this tool more than anything allows one to play with 
>>>>> possibilities in a couple of lines of code. We want people to play (some 
>>>>> did) and to get concrete feedback and possible solutions. I think we 
>>>>> should not just say that we need something else before we actually play 
>>>>> with it a bit more.
>>>> I do not get it. 
>>>> I never worked with me. And so far I did not see anybody succeeding to 
>>>> show me how to find something that I cannot 
>>>> find faster with a shortcut. 
>>>>>> But more important the discoverability is important because there is not 
>>>>>> even a help.
>>>>>> Right now as a user I can only guess and often I close spotter and use 
>>>>>> my shortcuts.
>>>>>> As a user I see something that ask me about network (and I do not care) 
>>>>>> but nothing
>>>>>> that brings me to the next level.
>>>>> This is something we need to work on, but you know, time is limited for 
>>>>> us, too.
>>>> Add a button and an help text copied from your blog!
>>>> And you will have made a 100% documentation jump.
>>>>>> Most of the time the user forgets the key combination (may be this will 
>>>>>> be solved with
>>>>>> the cool shortcut reminder we developed and is under review)
>>>>> All actions in spotter have a visible icon. All. And if you hover over it 
>>>>> you get the command. And there are literally 5 such actions. What is 
>>>>> missing in this regard from your point of view?
>>>> I do not know
>>>> They do not cover what I want to do.
>>>>    I do not care of setting
>>>>    Most of the time I do not care about seeing all. I saw now that you 
>>>> have an arrow to show more than the top 5
>>>>    good but again Cmd-shift > is not easy to type and give pain. 
>>>>    I do not understand why I should dive in most of the time.
>>>> I realised that I could use Spotter when I saw that I can press shift 
>>>> under the return because
>>>> before I got immediate pain when trying with the left shift.
>>>> To me left shift is a NO WAY. 
>>>> esc (top left) would work but I did not have the time to hack Spotter.
>>>>> Doru
>>>>>> Stef
>>>>> --
>>>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>>>> www.feenk.com
>>>>> "Reasonable is what we are accustomed with."
>>> --
>>> www.tudorgirba.com
>>> www.feenk.com
>>> "The coherence of a trip is given by the clearness of the goal."
> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> www.feenk.com
> "Not knowing how to do something is not an argument for how it cannot be 
> done."

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