> Quick feedback:
> - the API seems great
> - thank you very much for the documentation


> - I wonder why you pass strings for stdout and stderr instead of streams

In which part exactly? In the method like #runAndWaitOnExitDo: ?
if that was the question, then I simply thought it would be easier for the
user to receive strings. In fact, internally I use streams, but just when I
evaluate the closure I pass #contents.  I think it's more common for users
wanting a string than a stream. In either case, if they received a string
they can do #readStreamDo:[]  or whatever, and if they receive a stream
they can do #contents.

> - it would be nice to be able to subclass OSSUnixProcessExitStatus for
> some commands. E.g., GitProcessExitStatus could have a method
> isMergeConflict

That would be nice.

> - how can I implement something like tail --follow

I think it would be nice to how an example of this type of streaming API.
Note that this goes very similar to what Luc proposes below.

Thanks for the feedback!


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