Le 16/01/2016 10:45, Eliot Miranda a écrit :
Hi Thierry,

up until a few hours ago the latest VM sources were indeed broken by
work I was doing on 64 bits.  My sources are AFAIA now correct and I
suppose you're waiting on Esteban doing a merge.  But I'm responding
since there seems to be a process error here.

I need the freedom to break the VM, otherwise I can only extend it
with difficulty.  This assumes that there are currently servers that
build and test the VM, and implies that we maintain the notion of the
most recent good VM that has passed all the tests, and that this is
the "latest" VM everyone is using.

Yes, this seems to not have been the case, that is I could access as vmLatest a broken build, and it took me a little while to understand I could / should switch back to the 'stable' Spur Pharo vm to solve it.

If there isn't this distinction then every time I extend the VM and
make inevitable mistakes I affect users.  That's clearly not

No worries; I agree it is better for your efforts that I am unable to get a broken vm unless I really mean to :)


_,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)

On Jan 16, 2016, at 1:21 AM, Thierry Goubier
<thierry.goub...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Guys,

has something changed in string handling? I'm unable to get the
latest Pharo to read files containing utf8 data.

I tracked it down to a primitive (at:put:) in WideString and to the
latest vm for Pharo 5, so, maybe there is something wrong in the
latest vm.


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