
I do not really like that we get per class behavior.
I would prefer to have a

Compiler recompileAllForProductionAndNoAssert
or at the level of the package.



Yes, we should experiment with that.

A compiler option is very easy to add… and easy to understand. And trivial to do.

1) step one:

add the following line at the start of OCASTTranslator>>emitMessageNode:

self compilationContext optionDisableAssert ifTrue: [
aMessageNode selector == #assert: ifTrue: [ ^methodBuilder pushReceiver ]

2) step 2. There is no step. 2 ;-). Maybe a better version would use plugin… changing the code generator like that
is a bit a hack. But it works.

You can now turn off all sends to #assert: by enabling the #optionDisableAssert compiler option.
e.g. class wide by setting on the class side in

^super compiler options: #(+ optionDisableAssert).

More magic is, of course, always possible later… I have some ideas.


On 28 Jan 2016, at 13:54, Aliaksei Syrel < <>> wrote:


Assertions play an important role in design by contract. It is great to have assertions in Pharo out of box (Object>>#assert:). However in projects with many post- and precondition as also class invariants heavy usage of assertions decreases performance...

Would it be possible to have a compiler setting (in setting browser) to enable/disable assertions and not compile them to bytecode? Compiler should ignore the whole assertion statement with removed condition. For example:

    self assert: self hugeInvariant.

with disabled assertion hugeInvariant must not be sent.


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