I really hope that Bloc will forbid such systematic submorphs use because it leads to code like that.


submorphNamed: aName
    ^ self submorphNamed: aName ifNone: [nil]

submorphNamed: aName ifNone: aBlock
"Find the first submorph with this name, or a button with an action selector of that name"

    self submorphs do:
            [:button | | sub args |
            (button respondsTo: #actionSelector)
                ifTrue: [button actionSelector == aName ifTrue: [^button]].
((button respondsTo: #arguments) and: [(args := button arguments) notNil]) ifTrue: [(args at: 2 ifAbsent: [nil]) == aName ifTrue: [^button]].
            (button isAlignmentMorph)
ifTrue: [(sub := button submorphNamed: aName ifNone: [nil]) ifNotNil: [^sub]]].
    ^aBlock value

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