On Mon, Jul 20, 2015 at 11:17 PM, Ben Coman <b...@openinworld.com> wrote:
> greetings all,
> This is a long way off topic, but a random chance someone in the community
> with kids learning english may find it useful.  The past year I've had my 4yr
> & 6yr old girls doing Reading Eggs. Its aimed at native-english children
> ages 3-13 (starting with a test to place kids at a stimulating level).
> Its been beneficial for my kids, so I'm forwarding this offer to the
> community.
> http://e01.ams11.com/OutboundMessage.aspx?M=1581.347AD7EE-9C8B-4665-A061-90E3147FCA07

There was some appreciation for this six months ago.  Another just
arrived, so I thought I'd share it again.  In another half year I
guess I'll get another, so if anyone doesn't want me to post again
then, let me know.

More background info... ABC is Australia's government sponsored
national TV broadcaster (yay, no commercials!). They produced a web
site to help kids literacy.  It was fantastic for my kids, although my
8 year old got bored with it later on, so it seems more suited for
younger ages.

The 4 week free trial is advertised "No credit card required." An
annual subscription is AU$80.


cheers -ben

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