
Looks like I have the same problem as I was saying in another thread [1].
I tried to use NeoUUID and I was able to commit my change.

I use Archlinux on a 64bit machine:

$ uname -a
Linux msi 4.4.1-2-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Feb 3 13:12:33 UTC 2016 x86_64 GNU/Linux



[1]: http://forum.world.st/Help-with-bugfix-process-td4876210.html

On 08/02/16 16:20, Guille Polito wrote:
Yes, creepy.

However, I do not know if this is reproducible from some other machine/environment or just in mine, as nobody told so...

On 02/08/2016 02:22 PM, Stephan Eggermont wrote:
On 08-02-16 14:13, Guille Polito wrote:
The thing is that it is not a monkey problem. The monkey asks
Smalltalkhub for the right file, but SmalltalkHub retrieves the wrong
mcz. And that's because Smalltalkhub associates a commit to an mcz file
by the UUID of the commit.

So we lost source code? A slice in the inbox that has a duplicate UUID?


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