> The properties visible and locked, somehow they don't fit in the structure
> a BlElement provides, I don't know why but it looks strange.
> zIndex: what defines the order of elements, its zIndex or *are*  they in
> different Bloc-Layers and a zIndex would be superfluous?

Don't worry they are deprecated :) That is why all methods related to
locking/visibility/sticking packaged in *Bloc-Core-*Ugly*.
>From zIndex: setter:

> self flag: 'It should not be just magic number but maybe elevation
>   or z position in pixels or any other material value'.

I was planning to replace it with something stored layout properties.

Are measuredExtent requestingLayout oldExtentMeasurementSpec attributes, a
> BlElement always has and needs, or are they only used during layouting?

only during layout. They should be moved to layout strategy inst vars.
Thanks for pointing :)

children ownerReference nextElementReference previousElementReference,
> would it make sense to encapsulate this in one new class, something like a
> treeNode/structureNode?

I agree. Don't like so many inst vars in BlElement. They should be somehow
encapsulated in the end. Nice catch!

BlWorldElement and BlSpaceElement sounds like this is for elements *in*
> space or *in* world, not like
> *the* WorldElement.

The same for me... Besides SpaceElement there is BlSpace which is a model.
Doru suggested to rename:

BlWorldElement -> BlWorld
BlSpace -> BlSpaceModel
BlSpaceElement -> BlSpace

Would such naming by more self-describing for you?


On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 12:50 PM, Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@web.de> wrote:

> 2016-02-05 11:33 GMT+01:00 Aliaksei Syrel <alex.sy...@gmail.com>:
>> Nice questions :) I will not able to address all mentioned issues today,
>> but at least will try some. Answers inlined.
>> - What are package-tags starting with !
>> To force Nautilus show most used core packages first in the list. Without
>> "!" they are floating somewhere in the middle of the lists and it takes few
>> microseconds more to find them + eye concentration. Of course before
>> release they will be renamed.
>>  - Why BlLayoutProperties is named like that?
>>> I do not like the ies at the end in particular
>> I wanted to rename to BlLayoutParams. If you like Params then I will
>> rename.
>> - Why UndefinedObject defines vertical?/horizontal?
>>> to me it looks like the auto method generation encountered a nil.
>>  That is to make Bloc compatible with morphic. (
>> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/17502) LayoutProperties of Morph can
>> be nil. So I decided to add extension methods to nil instead of making
>> architecture of Bloc ugly :) Don't see any better solution.
>> - I cannot close the debugger because I get a DNU askOkToClose
>> I too. I also can't close Implementors/Senders browser for the same
>> reason. No idea why.
>>  - Why BlMargin is not polymorphic with Margin?
>> Please, don't take next sentence as joke, but I think it is Margin that
>> is not polymorphic with BlMargin...
>> In Bloc we have padding and margin. They both modify bounds. I don't like
>> to use existing Margin class to describe padding.. Still BlMargin has
>> similar, not identical api as Margin.
>> Also check Margin's api.. It has #rightBottom method - which is the only
>> one to return Point. Where is leftBottom or rightTop? wat.
>>> - what is BlPaint and what are its collaborators.
>> is used for filling and stroking shapes.
>> Milestone is Bloc-beta.
>> - What is a coordinateHolder? Why don’t we use a point?
>> Kind of helper. It is used in events and event listeners. I still didn't
>> invest time in revising events..
>>  - Events needs some class comments:
>>> - API?
>>> -
>> Milestone is Bloc-beta.
>> - Why do we have brickValue: in BlAnimation? to me it looks like a layer
>>> violation.
>> yes. BlAnimation should be deleted.
>> - in BlPath: I have no diea what is a sparta shapes :)
>>> I got confused by
>>> "I'm responsible for building shape path on passed athens path builder.”
>> Well, yes :)
>> Oops the vm crashed :)
>> Oho! It took so long to crash! =^.^=
>> p.s. To all who see this email: Bloc needs more complains
> :)
> Some random thoughts:
> BlWorldElement and BlSpaceElement sounds like this is for elements *in*
> space or *in* world, not like
> *the* WorldElement.
> Looking at BlElement definition:
> Object subclass: #BlElement
>     uses: TBlPropertiesOwner
>     instanceVariableNames: 'ownerReference visible properties
> layoutProperties zIndex spaceReference eventListener errorOnDraw locked
> extent shape layoutStrategy children nextElementReference
> previousElementReference measuredExtent requestingLayout
> oldExtentMeasurementSpec transformation'
>     classVariableNames: ''
>     package: 'Bloc-Core-!Core-Basic'
> The properties visible and locked, somehow they don't fit in the structure
> a BlElement provides, I don't know why but it looks strange.
> zIndex: what defines the order of elements, its zIndex or *are*  they in
> different Bloc-Layers and a zIndex would be superfluous?
> Are measuredExtent requestingLayout oldExtentMeasurementSpec attributes, a
> BlElement always has and needs, or are they only used during layouting?
> children ownerReference nextElementReference previousElementReference,
> would it make sense to encapsulate this in one new class, something like a
> treeNode/structureNode?
>> Cheers,
>> Alex

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