The widget becomes available only once the UI is built, however when you
are configuring Spec it is not yet built so it's not available and thus the
ugly nil check (well, one of the reasons anyway).

This is a big problem with morphic/spec ui elements. You never know for sure
>> what code this
>> self update ---> search through all (dynamicly added) dependents and
>> notify
>> will finally call.
>  I don't think there is any way around it. You have to decouple view(s)
> from model(s), and, hence have those propagation constraints by way of
> notifications.

About a year ago we were discussing this with Stef and one of the options
was to expose all value holders (which has happened in the meantime) and
have adapter just connect Spec with Morphic.
This is a bit older and needs updating, but I think it still holds somewhat (the idea was to to
connect Morphic directly to observe Spec and therefore not have Adapter at
all during runtime).


On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 1:46 PM, stepharo <> wrote:

> Hi nicolai
> I agree. I will have a look at the Calipso experience of Alain.
> Because may be Calipso + Spec layout format would be much nicer.
> Did you look at it?
> Alain just brainstormed but this is interesting for thinking.
> Stef
> What I hate also is that the
>  AbstractApdate>>update: aSymbol
>     self changed: aSymbol
> This is a bit terrible because the adpater should not exist at runtime
> and adapter should just encapsulate how to create and set the
> communication
> between the model and the view. Now it is in the middle and this is not
> good.
> stef
> Le 8/2/16 11:31, Nicolai Hess a écrit :
> 2016-02-08 10:37 GMT+01:00 stepharo <>:
>> Hi guys
>> I should say that I'm sick (gift from my little boy) so may be this is
>> obvious.
>> I'm looking at the code of Spec and I hate this code :)
>> widgetDo: aBlock
>>     ^ self widget ifNotNil: aBlock
>> I do not see why widgetDo: has to test for nil
>> So I transformed
>> widgetDo: aBlock
>>     ^ self widget ifNotNil: aBlock
>> into
>> widgetDo: aBlock
>>     ^ aBlock cull: self widget
>> BTW I hate all the cull: call. They are connected with sloppiness). It is
>> far too easy to use cull:
>> I do not know how many arguments, I do not care I use cull:
>> cull: is slow slow and help producing messing API.
>> And it broke. The methodBrowser example did not work anymore and many
>> others.
>> Debugger felt down....
>> I feel sad. Now my brain is dead so I cannot concentrate more.
>> Stef
> This is a big problem with morphic/spec ui elements. You never know for
> sure
> what code this
> self update ---> search through all (dynamicly added) dependents and notify
> will finally call.
> In this example we are about to *built* the widgets and in this run , we
> change a component that
> will update all dependents goes back and forth between model, adapter and
> widget. And all
> before the widget is actually accessible for the widgetDo: call.
> (and, REALLY we need to clean this up. This is really bad code if we
> announce a textChanged announcement for
> a text component, if we *initialize* an *empty textcomponent* with an
> *empty text*!).

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