I'm using pharo 5 for the first time and I have trouble getting used to the new 
debugger there.

I think that actions like proceeding, stepping into, over… etc. are important 
functionalities of a debugger. So it is not a good idea to move them to the 
upper right of the window and make them not to look like buttons. To me it is 
to make central functionality inaccessible. 

On the other hand I find the "Source" tab superfluous. Is this space supposed 
to be covered with more tabs then just the source?

The Variables tab in the lower left: Is the "Type" information the most 
important? Not to me. If I look at the tab I want to find the name of a 
variable I expect there to be. So the Variable should be this first column, 
then Value and finally Type. This would also solve the UI issue that the Type 
label with strings of different size make a bad appearance when scrolling. It 
is hard to focus on the names of the Variable because the Type label having a 
dark background is catching attention.

What needs some time to adjust but I like is to have the same behaviour as in 
the inspector in the bottom row starting from the actual execution context.

my 2 cents,


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