Thanks.  Some examples I found useful were
* Date>>gtInspectorDetailsIn:
* GTInspector>>gtInspectorExtensionsIn:

cheers -ben

On Sun, Feb 21, 2016 at 4:53 PM, Tudor Girba <> wrote:
> The tabs from the inspector are defined through inspector extensions.
> So, you should have a method annotated with gtInspectorPresentationOrder: in 
> your OwnedLockBadRelease.
> Let me know if you need more help.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Feb 21, 2016, at 9:35 AM, Ben Coman <> wrote:
>> With...
>>    Error subclass: #OwnedLockBadRelease
>>        instanceVariableNames: 'lockOwner perpetrator'
>>        classVariableNames: ''
>>        package: 'Kernel-Processes'
>> In playground when I do...
>>    | error |
>>    (error := OwnedLockBadRelease new) signal
>> then in the debugger select the 'error' tempvar,
>> the [Raw] tab is too busy, so I'd like a custom [Error] tab
>> showing only my two instance variables.
>> I've managed to get a tab to show up by implementing...
>>    OwnedLockBadRelease>>gtDebuggerEvaluatorIn: composite
>>        super gtDebuggerEvaluatorIn: composite.
>>        (GTObjectVariablesBrowser new evaluatorIn: composite)
>>        title: 'Error Tab To Do'
>> but I can't find how to add variables.
>> Tips please?
>> cheers -ben
> --
> "It's not how it is, it is how we see it."

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