On 28/02/2016 20:59, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Yes, that is a crucial point. This is a feature that having Object>>assert: 
aBlock cannot easily emulate
Hi Alexandre
yes it is possible, with the limitation pointed to by Stef: deep copy is a complex thing and I don't measure the implications. I can't figure out the result of a stack deep copy (ie a thiscontext object), thinking just about this one, they are others.
May be DeepCopier would help ?

They are other situations leading to unpredictable results.
        ast link: (
                MetaLink new
                metaObject: true;
                control: #after;
                arguments: #( ) ;
                selector: #value ) .
hangs the vm immediatly -it's like sawing off the branch on which we are sitting. This situation that can be protected with a simple fencing mechanism (avoiding checking of some classes and/or methods), but more complex cases will show off.

More investigations are needed here,
but even not perfect, this would still be a valuable tool IMHO



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