Cool.  Now wishful thinking... for consultants it would be double-cool
be have a location marked world map which could be clicked to sort the
list based on how close to the click the consultant lives.
cheers -ben

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 5:04 PM, Peter Uhnák <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> we are currently updating the pages for Pharo Contributors and Consultants.
> and
> if you want to add or update your record (info, mail, image, ...), you can
> do so by sending us a pull request on GitHub in the appropriate repository
> the format is STON so it should be understandable.
> Contributors:
> Consultants:
> Alternatively you can open an issue in the github issue tracker with the new
> info and it will be handled.
> Peter

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