> On 12 Mar 2016, at 21:27, Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.mora...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Frequently I need to serialize contents from an inspector/explorer for later 
> work or because image cannot work with big data sets.
> Do you find yourself doing this from an inspector?
> FLSerializer serialize: self toFileNamed: 'MyBigArrayOrString.FL' 
> Is there a reason for not having a "Serialize" menu entry in the Raw palette?

Good idea.

> On the other side, from the File Browser a "Materialize" could be added for 
> .FL files.

I think this already exists, but the extension should be .fuel (just .FL is to 

> What do you think?
> Cheers,
> Hernán

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