Hi Mariano, I just saw your comment in OSSUnixSystemAccessor >> getcwd and
wondered if there's a feasible plan for errno? What if the VM provided a
known accessor function around the global/macro/whatever errno is defined

On 26 January 2016 at 08:15, stepharo <steph...@free.fr> wrote:

> super!
> Stef
> Le 25/1/16 23:27, Mariano Martinez Peck a écrit :
> Hi guys,
> OK, I have a first working version and so I wanted to share it with you.
> I have not yet the time to start writing the doc since I just finished the
> first pass on the code. Tomorrow I will start with the doc. But I thought
> some of you may be interested in taking a look even without formal "doc"
> (and some feedback/iteration may avoid re-writing docs..).
> If you have no clue what I am talking about, then this summary is for you:
> *----------*
> *When we  use FFI  to call a certain library it's quite common that we
> need to pass as argument certain constants (for example, SIGKILL to
> kill()). These constants are defined in C header files and can even change
> it's value in different paltforms. *
> *These constants also are sometimes defined by the C preprocessor and so
> there is not way to get those values from FFI. If you don't have the value
> of those constants, you cannot make the FFI call. *
> *----------*
> I have tested the tool in OSX and CentOS using latest Pharo 5.0. It won't
> work in Windows right now.  As usual, all classes and methods have comments
> and there are enough tests.
> At the end, I decided the C program will output a very naive Smalltalk
> literal array kind of thingy. The tool then parses that output and directly
> creates a init method (which is compiled into the SharedPool class) for
> that platform which is then called automatically at startup (only if
> initialization is needed).
> As for real examples, I started to write constants for libc:  signal.h (to
> use kill()) , wait.h (to use wait() famility), fcntl.h (to use ... xxx()) ,
> and errno.h. You can take a look to the package 'FFICHeaderExtractor-LibC'.
> Note that for running the tests you need 'cc' findable by path in OSX and
> 'gcc' in Unix.
> To load the code in a latest Pharo 5.0, execute:
> Metacello new
>     baseline: 'FFICHeaderExtractor';
>     repository:
> 'github://marianopeck/FFICHeaderExtractor:master/repository';
>     load.
> Any feedback is appreciated.
> I will start writing the doc now.
> BTW: Big thanks to Eliot Miranda which helped me answering noob questions
> and providing useful code and guidelines.
> Best,
> On Sat, Jan 23, 2016 at 1:12 PM, Eliot Miranda < <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>
> eliot.mira...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Denis,
>> On Jan 23, 2016, at 7:30 AM, Denis Kudriashov < <dionisi...@gmail.com>
>> dionisi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2016-01-22 22:35 GMT+01:00 Eliot Miranda < <eliot.mira...@gmail.com>
>> eliot.mira...@gmail.com>:
>>> Let's measure this.  Let's say we have 8 platforms (that's an
>>> underestimate, because different Linux distributions may have different
>>> values for certain constants), but 8, which is 4 basic platforms times 32-
>>> & 64-bits.  We have Mac x86 32-bit, Mac x64 64-bit, Windows x86
>>> 32-bit, Windows x64 64-bit, Linux x86 32-bit, Linux ARM 32-bit, Linux x64
>>> 64-bit, and soon enough there will be more.  Further, there may be
>>> different versions over time.
>>> So each of those initialization methods has
>>> - 1 slot for the global variable to be assigned
>>> - 1 slot for the literal value to assign to it
>>> - 3 bytes of bytecode per initialization for small methods, 4 for large
>>> methods.  Let's say 4.
>>> So the overhead in 32-bits is 12 bytes per constant, and in 64-bits is
>>> 20 bytes.  So the overhead per constant for all platforms is 96 bytes per
>>> constant in 32-bits and 160 bytes per constant for 64-bits.  A full system
>>> with sockets, files, a database connexion etc could easily exceed 100
>>> constants.  I think it would be nearer 1000.  So the overheads are in the
>>> 10- to 100-k byte range (100k ~= 0.5% of the image) on 32-bits.  That's low
>>> but it's also pure overhead.  Every GC has to visit them.  Every senders
>>> and implementors has to visit them, but they offer nothing of value.
>>> Whereas the small parser for whatever notation is used to store the
>>> constants externally (if they are needed in a given deployment) has a small
>>> constant overhead; its simple code.
>>> Further, you still need the machinery to export the constants to be able
>>> to generate these initialization methods.  If you've got the machinery and
>>> you don't need the methods why bother to generate the methods?
>>> As the Scots say, many a mickle makes a muckle.
>> Thank's Eliot for such detailed explanation. It makes sense.
>> But personally I prefer Smalltalk solution although Smalltalk itself is
>> pure overhead comparing to C.
>> I can see the draw of the pure Smalltalk. Simplicity and brows ability.
>> But imagine a tiny headless image deployed on containers, say 2mb.  Now
>> 100kb of initialization code doesn't look so good :-).  Anyway I'm beating
>> a dead horse.  Mariano is generating initialization methods.
>> My question was raised by Mariano idea to save ston files in methods. I
>> think it can reduce problems which you described.
>> But then literal array syntax can be more suitable than ston.
>> I just want to be clear, I'm neutral about the notation used to export
>> info from the C file.  Liberal array syntax, chunk source format, ston,
>> xml.  It doesn't matter as long as it's convenient at expressing an
>> attribute dictionary from names to attributes such as value, size, offset.
>> Don't get hung up on the specific notation.  If one were to go with the
>> external file the only real requirements are that it be reasonably compact
>> and quick to parse.  That might kill xml but leave plenty of other
>> candidates.
>> _,,,^..^,,,_ (phone)
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

Damien Pollet
type less, do more [ | ] http://people.untyped.org/damien.pollet

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