2016-04-04 14:24 GMT+02:00 Igor Stasenko <siguc...@gmail.com>:

> On 4 April 2016 at 14:28, Thierry Goubier <thierry.goub...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> 2016-04-04 13:18 GMT+02:00 Stephan Eggermont <step...@stack.nl>:
>>> On 04-04-16 11:58, Igor Stasenko wrote:
>>>> Apart from being 'cool to have', full-fledged word processing is not a
>>>> thing, that you dealing with on a daily basis in environment, like Pharo.
>>> I'm sure that is the case for you. I wonder if that is the case for many
>>> Pharo users.
>>> AFAIK there are a lot of pillar users.
>> If it is for Pillar, then you don't really need a full-fledged, paper
>> oriented layout engine. A web-like layout environment is probably enough,
>> and much less costly to build.
> Now count, how much world-wide resources are dedicated to web-based and
> browser-based technology development and compare with our resource base. I
> think it is foolish to set an unrealistic goals.

I think that if we didn't have unrealistic goals, we wouldn't be in that
community :)

>> For me the problem with the TxText model is that it blocks the
>>> possibility of doing
>>> that later, if and when there is enough development capacity to invest
>>> in this.
>> There is enough technology in the Pharo universe to do it (or at least
>> something approaching). Sometimes, what you need is the ideas / the
>> rationale from a project to do it. And I do believe TxText has some of it,
>> even if you consider that TxText can't be extended to do it (and I'll
>> consider that you are right on this).
>> Now, it's on nobody's roadmap, so it may take a while to emerge (if it
>> does at all).
>> Last time, i installed LaTex package on my mac, it took maybe hour or
> so.. About 1Gb of files, tools, compilers, GUI, text editors..
> Now think, how much years it would take to get remotely close to such
> level of development? And where are those people or money that would allow
> us to think this is viable path and we should throw everything into it to
> get there?

Have you really looked into what is the core of the TeX algorithm? The fact
that an interactive version of it was done multiple times in history? (Self
/ InterViews to cite the ones I know and have used)

> It is nice to dream time to time, but let us be realistic.

I'd say that we have an environment where we can dream; where reinventions
can be done at low cost (or at lower cost than others), that we can even
afford to be wrong and throw a project away. Otherwise we wouldn't have
Athens / TxText / GT ...

Mind you, I'm not asking you to do it :) I simply know that some of TxText
stuff is usable in that context. And that given the goal, shortcuts are



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