Le 19/4/16 15:46, Tudor Girba a écrit :

On Apr 6, 2016, at 6:13 AM, Denis Kudriashov <dionisi...@gmail.com> wrote:

2016-04-06 14:51 GMT+02:00 Tudor Girba <tu...@tudorgirba.com>:
Just the English does not sound quite well for statements like:
         mock should got someMessage
         mock should not got anotherMessage.

I know that there was a long discussion about naming these. I do not remember 
the outcome, but still I think other alternatives would be better:
         mock should haveReceived someMessage.
         mock should not haveReceived anotherMessage.
or even
         mock shouldnt haveReceived anotherMessage.

You right. There was discussion and I made decision :)
Some of people suggest "should got" which is very short version and I like it. 
I know it is not completely correct from English perspective but it is readable enough 
and understandable.
It is your prerogative :), but “should got" sounds broken :(.

+1 :)

#shouldnt can be good. But usually we not use "should not" assertions. Only when we 
really want to deny certain condition we write it such way. In that cases full form of "should 
not" feels better for me.
But it is always personal choice. So I made decision. (many my tests uses "should 
not" :))
I think “should not" sounds fine like it is.


I think I would favor:
         mock stub someMessage toReturn: 1000.
         mock stub someMessage returns: 1000.

What do you think?
Same here.
Mocketry is very old and it was always idea of will:. You can also put block 
for expected action:
         mock stub someMessage will: [#yourResult].
         (mock stub someMessageWith: Any) will: [:arg | arg + 1].


"What is more important: To be happy, or to make happy?"

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