AMHO, there are some needed feedbacks on some tools. There are the most
visible I can see, where newbies will be contemplating without

I try to propose a tip, please *correct* it when wrong or incomplete.

- 'Scoped'-> not sure what is the extent of the Scoped, but a proposed
tip: 'Browse in the context of the selected package/class: all nautilus
tools -- including refactoring -- will proceed only within the selected
- 'Format as you read' -> based on Peter suggestion: 'Autoformat code
without editing. Useful when reading some old/unformatted code.'
- 'NW/W' -> I don't know
- '+L' -> 'Toggle line number for code"

- There are about 100 Spotter entries without unhelpful descriptions as:
spotterReferenceFor: aStep
        <spotterOrder: 30>
        aStep listProcessor
                        title: 'References';
                        allCandidates: [ (SystemNavigation default 
allReferencesTo: self
binding) collect: #compiledMethod ];
                        itemName: [ :method | method gtDisplayString ];
                        filter: GTFilterSubstring'

is it a bug or on purpose? However definitely not newbie friendly.

If these settings are not relevant, may be hiding it.

It lacks contrast, (and no there is objective measure, otherwise what is
design for) but I guess nothing much can be done.
Tooltips lost again the blue contrasting background for a grey
unconstrasting one. In the past I already fixed the Water theme from
random refactoring, it is sad to see few care on the UI: this is the
first thing newbies will notice even before reaching the deep beauty of
Pharo, they will be gone because the first impression went wrong.


Please, don't assume because I post this review I take responsibility on
fixing it, I may or not. I really get this irritating feedback from my
feedbacks, and I don't think pressure is helpful. We are doing our best
according to our personnel life constraints. If not ok, I will shut up
for ever.

Dr. Geo

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