
I thought that I already asked about this but apparently not...

Right now when I have an array like

observations := {
MElement -> {
#change -> #(name owner uuid).
#add -> #().
#remove -> #()

MContainer -> {
#change -> #().
#add -> #(add:).
#remove -> #(remove:).

it gets formatted into

observations := {(MElement
{(#change -> #(#name #owner #uuid)).
(#add -> #()).
(#remove -> #())}).
{(#change -> #()).
(#add -> #(#add:)).
(#remove -> #(#remove:))})}.

Which is really ugly with all the _uneeded_ parenthesis.

I tried to look into BlConfigurableFormatter>>needsParenthesisFor: where it
is being added, but any change I try to make I end up breaking some test as
the behavior is not very obvious for me.

Can this be changed/fixed easily?

And second, perhaps less important... do we really need to reformat #(name
owner uuid) into #(#name #owner #uuid)? Seems a bit superfluous too.


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