Again again and again: How many times do you see students having Pharo frozen because the internet connection in the classroom is fleaky.

Apparently turning off these people is not an issue to you. Perfect but it is one for me.

For your productivity boost why can't you click on one setting and put it on?

Tell me I do not understand. In my dev image I have several settings set for my own usage.

So why you cannot have one extra one? Especially since preferences are loaded automatically.

Then when we will find a way to address the real problem we can just turn the setting on.

I will have spent half of my life showing software to newbies and may I ask you when is the last time

you show Pharo to a guy that is learning programming? I do that often (may be too often)

and in bad situation like in Afrika but not only.


Le 6/7/16 à 20:19, Sven Van Caekenberghe a écrit :
I'll try once more to explain.

You like the catalog, don't you ?  It was your idea in the first place. With 
this feature you can just type XML, CSV, JSON or whatever and it will suggest a 
couple of catalog projects that you can install with just one click, no need to 
open any tool you don't even know. This is especially good for new people. IT 
work put in the catalog.

Is Spotter or any other part of Pharo perfect ? No.

For many people, Spotter make a huge functional difference, we use it every 
minute. If it would hang or block the image even once a day, any of us would 
complain loudly.

Conclusion: it works for 99% of the people/cases.

Even in the 1% where there is a problem, it is not 100% sure it is related to 
the catalog searching. In the last concrete issue reported, the guy tried 
disabling the catalog searching AND IT MADE NO DIFFERENCE !

So again, why turn it off ? It is an overreaction, not engineering.

The underlying problem is that in some very rare, hard to reproduce cases we 
cannot reliably detect that there is no network. That's about it.

Note also that almost every application or app today will do some network 
calls, this is how the world work - we should be able to do the same with 
Pharo, not run away and kill every feature that does a network call.

On 06 Jul 2016, at 18:14, stepharo <> wrote:

Who vote to put it in?

Seriously I think that my main concern is about getting Pharo stable in any 
occasion and not giving

a bad impression of the system. I takes enough time to build traction and such 
glitches can spoil

our effort in no time. "Yes Pharo froze."

So it would be nice to care take of such aspect.

I do not understand why super users do not manage to put a reference to on in 
the preferences.

Sorry esteban but I do not buy your argument that something off is remove. No 
it is off.

On 06 Jul 2016, at 09:52, GitHub <> wrote:

18674 Turn spotter catalog off by default
We did not agree on this, at all, there was no public discussion, no vote.

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